Onbu ni Dakko (おんぶに抱っこ - Completely Relying on Others)

Jul 4, 2019 09:15
Onbu ni Dakko

Yesterday, I introduced the term 'marunage' (丸投げ), which means to leave all the work that you have to do to someone else.

There is another expression similar to 'marunage' -- it is 'onbu ni dakko' (おんぶに抱っこ).

'Onbu' (おんぶ) means "piggyback," and 'dakko' (抱っこ) is a children's word that means "huggy (wuggy)."

Imagine that a child solicits you for huggy after you gave the child a piggy-back ride.

The expression 'onbu ni dakko' means such a situation that someone completely relies on other's favor.



「おんぶ」は "piggyback"、「抱っこ」は "huggy (wuggy)" を意味する幼児語です。


No. 1 Amop567's correction
  • Onbu ni Dakko (おんぶに抱っこ - Completely Relying on Others)
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Yesterday, I introduced the term 'marunage' (丸投げ), which means to leave all the work that you have to do to someone else.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • There is another expression similar to 'marunage' -- it is 'onbu ni dakko' (おんぶに抱っこ).
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • 'Onbu' (おんぶ) means "piggyback," and 'dakko' (抱っこ) is a children's word that means "huggy (wuggy)."
  • 'Onbu' (おんぶ) means "piggyback," and 'dakko' (抱っこ) is a children's word that means "huggy (wuggy)."
     "huggy (wuggy)" 😆
  • Imagine that a child solicits you for huggy after you gave the child a piggy-back ride.
  • Imagine that a child solicits you for "huggy" after you gave the child a piggy-back ride.
     "Huggy" is something a small child would say so better to put in quotes
  • The expression 'onbu ni dakko' means such a situation that someone completely relies on other's favor.
  • The expression 'onbu ni dakko' means such a situation in which someone completely relies on others (to do something).
  • Imagine that a child solicits you for "huggy" after you gave the child a piggy-back ride.

    "Huggy" is something a small child would say so better to put in quotes

sorry should be "a 'huggy'"
Thank you for the correction! (^^)